It was Time!

A quick loss of 10kg


After turning 40yrs I knew I was very fit, I exercise everyday and sometimes twice a day but I do love to have some alcoholic beverages and chocolate and my belly started to get a little floppy. As many people I just justified it as thats part of aging, however, deep down I knew it could be removed. At the start of the week from Monday to Thursday I would lose 1kg every week and then I would put it all back on and sometimes more in the back half of the week when more alcohol, chocolate and carbs was consumed.  As I said, I felt fit and healthy, however, my BMI was in the high overweight category. It was time to make a change! I first thought there was only around 5kg of body fat on me and then 10kg and two belt sizes dropped off in just a few weeks. You need to remember that there is the fat we can see when we pinch our bellies, but there is also the fat that sits in our adipose tissues, around our organs. 

Remember as you read the below story I have good exercise habits, I exercise well and regular so for me it was the food consumption that needed adjusting. Like most people I love food, especially carbs as they give me the energy hit I need to perform in my job each day. I didn't want this changes to interfere with my life too much so I started with small changes and I was astonished by the results. 

During the weight loss period I would have dinner at 5pm and then "fast" till 11:30am the next day. I would do all of my exercise in that morning period when under "fasting". Fasting means no coffee, means nothing, only water. 
Lunchtime would be a small protein meal or protein shake with a AG1 shake to ensure I was consuming enough nutrients, vitamins and probiotics. Dinner was whatever I wanted within reason. The regime lead to 4kg of weight loss in week 1, 3.5kg week 2, and 2.5kg week 3. Please remember the main cause of change was that there was over 2 hours of exercise each day being produced while under "intermittent fasting". 

After the third week I wanted to back off the restrictions and live a healthier more sustainable life. So after many hours of research I found this formula below that works for me. The below info it what I do and consume to maintain the new healthy body weight and fitness and I desire. I'm a male who is 81kg, so please take all of the information into account when you are applying new habits to your life. 

First meal of the day (5am) protein only - 1 scoop whey protein, 1 scoop collagen powder, 4 grams fish oil, 1 tablet magnesium, 3 x raw eggs plus water and blend it all together and drink it. 
Followed by an indulgence of a macchiato or piccolo with oat milk to get me ready for the mornings exercise. 

Exercise 5:30am - 6:30am - for me most mornings it is surf ski paddling for at least 1hr on Sydney Harbour as it gives me the cardio and resistance training all in one. The workout is of high intensity in the zone 4/5 category as I have 1 hour a day to exercise so I want to gain the most benefits as possible. To help with the energy required to exercise at higher intensities I have one scoop of BCAA in my water bottle for extra energy when I am paddling. Other mornings would be gym (40 mins push/pull weights) followed by 20-25 mins of treadmill running (45 secs fast 15 secs rest, then repeat). Before this workout I would have one scoop of creatine to help boost strength. 

Snack time 9am - One scoop of AG1 in a shake which is important for nutrients, vitamins and probiotics that I need in my body, plus a macchiato or piccolo with oat milk. The morning period is when I am most productive with work as my body is full of energy from the mornings exercise and the 9am caffeine hit gets me at my best. 

Lunchtime 12pm - Protein meal! I tried to find chicken, meat, fish, or salmon and match it with a healthy salad. A sushi place is usually an easy option. 

Afternoon cravings have hit hard! My goal is to last to 2:30pm and then I eat a protein bar straight away. I then wait for it to kick and when it does I am full all the way to dinner, thank god! Afternoons can be a slippery slop of carbs for me if i'm not careful. 

Dinner 6pm - Whatever I feel like! It is always a mix of proteins, carbs and fats. No restrictions just enjoy it with my family. 

Desert 7:30pm - the cravings a back! I look at the wine cabinet then think how easy it is to duck down to the shops for chocolate, so I am quick here and start cutting up a fruit bowl with greek yogurt. I aim for mostly berries as they are high in fibre. 

Alcohol - I am trying to drink only one night a week, but its hard and I do slip up from time to time. 

Daily Rituals to keep my feeling fit, healthy and happy! 

I try and get quality sleep, no alcohol helps dramatically. 

I start the day with protein (40grams) this gives me the energy I need for morning exercise and keeps me full till lunchtime 

exercise everyday regardless whether its a full workout or a lazy ten minutes. I know when my body moves above "steady state" over 300 positives things are happening to my body. 

Dopamine and endorphins are happy hormones, I ensure they are activated throughout my day. 

I research and find supplementations that can assist in my health. AG1, fish oil, magnesium, BCAA, collagen, whey protein, and antioxidants together with my balanced diet. 

I use the benefits of cold exposure by splashing cold water on my face between paddle sets in the mornings (winter paddling reaps more rewards)

When carb/sugar cravings kick in, I grab a protein bar or fruit snack first and see if that controls the cravings first, before my mind starts crumbling and becoming vulnerable. 

I do "intermittent fasting" from time to time to reboot my gut health. 

stretch my body everyday with a morning stretch when I wake up and then stay limber throughout the day. When I exercise I contract my muscles so throughout the day I expand my muscles. 

I instil gratitude in my life wherever I can, as i'm paddling on the water with amazing sunrises I start most days with so much gratitude. I look for gratitude in everything I do, simply feeling fit and healthy gives me immense gratitude. 

Social connections are important to me, I exercise in "groups" and look for communities of people doing what I like to do. My children give me an immense amount of connectivity and love. Daily hugs and affirmations are essential in my days.  

I try to reduce decision fatigue in my day, especially when it comes to food or what to wear and leave the decision energy for work related decisions. 

I always have a goal, meaning every day for me I have motivation towards a purpose! I am always working towards better in all areas of my life from my health, fitness, family, work, new skills, brain learning, travel and community. I never let money $ be a goal or purpose!

I believe in the power of belief, simply by eating healthy I truely believe I am healthy in my immune and cardiovascular systems. I wear exercise clothes all the time so in my mind I am always ready for exercise. Simply by having joggers on I tend to walk stairs more instead of taking the lift. I truely believe I can slow down the ageing process by behavioural habits, so everything I do is driven towards that mindset. 

I am always learning new skills for my brain health, memory, balance, co-ordination plus the ability to use my muscles in different ways. I gravitate towards sports like surf ski paddling, surfing, golf, swimming and weight training as they demand a life time of improving one's skill set. For more brain health I constantly research all sorts of topics in the world and mix up the information I am absorbing through writing, listening and hearing. 

I aim to be outdoors as much as I can each day. I don't constrict myself to be sitting within 4 walls, I am also outside enjoying the sunshine, sky and nature around me as we navigate through this busy, city life we all live in. 

I never let stress enter my life, I use coping mechanisms to reduce stressors and when stressors are big I have trained myself to let them go. Stress negatively attacks your exercise regime, daily nutrition and mental well-being. 

I avoid scrolling through social media, as seeing enhanced, altered perceptions of how one should live their live through material assets only distracts my mindset, where I am aiming to live a life full of purpose and gratitude. 

I always look at the bigger picture, how do I want to contribute to this world and what do I want to pass onto my children. 

Do your own research on your own body and find the formula that works for you.

I am so impressed with supplements like AG1, Fish Oil and Whey protein that I have reached out to the brands that I believe work and now have some special offers coming for Sydney Harbour Surf Club paddlers. AG1 is offering SHSC Paddlers discounted products. Click Here -


NEW! Paddle Tops

Pre Order Now

We have spent alot of time back and forth with samples to achieve the deepest of ocean blue colour with a neon orange overlay. Limitted stock ordered so hurry to aviod disappointment. 

Long Sleeve & Short sleeve paddle tops by 776BC in male and female cuts. 
Pre order now for Nov 20th delivery. 

Buy Now


5 New Defibrillators for SHSC 


When you think about sudden cardiac arrest, I’m sure you don’t immediately think about fit and healthy people, right?
But the fact is, sudden cardiac arrest doesn’t discriminate. It can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time, regardless of age, gender or fitness levels.
So, this Restart a Heart Day, we’ve joined the global initiative to raise awareness and educate our community about the importance of CPR and access to automated external defibrillators (AEDs).

We @ Sydney Harbour Surf Club have partnered with CellAED®, with defibrillators donated to our Mosman and Rose Bay Clubhouses, plus one in each speedboat and one in our downwind bus 🙌

This is because every year, 30, 000 Aussies experience a sudden cardiac arrest, and sadly, less than 5% survive because they do not have access to life-saving defibrillation within the first few minutes of collapsing.
While it can happen to anyone, people who are at greater risk are:

  • Men over 45, with the risk increasing with age
  • People with a family history of heart disease
  • People with heart disease themselves, including those who suffer from high blood pressure and high cholesterol

A time-sensitive and life-threatening condition, the chances of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest drop by 10% for every minute CPR and defibrillation are delayed.



But, if CPR and defibrillation are applied within the first few critical minutes, the chances of survival can increase by up to 75%.
With CellAED® you can help save someone’s life while waiting for Emergency Services to arrive.
<sentence about the partnership/initiative from their perspective ie to protect their members?>
To learn more about CellAED® visit: 
CellAED® your personal defibrillator


Club Champs 

Race 5 - Mosman Clubhouse
Saturday 26th October 7am - 8:30am


Club Champs is so much fun! We have 6 x Club event races for the year and we take your best 3 results to see who are the Club Champs in each gender and age group. Each event is 10km and the course is picked the day before for best conditions. 

The first race you do, you cant win. We gather your moving time and the next races you do you receive a handicap start time based off your moving time. We then have a race where we know everyones moving time and we handicap everyone so that the entire field finish with a 100m sprint at the end. 

We laugh and support each other with everyone enjoying the cafe hangout afterwards. Each event you can see your progression versus yourself and others. 

We encourage you to come and have a go!

Scroll to the date on the SHSC App and book in! A week before the race we will send you a “form” to confirm your surf ski type and your moving time so we can set up the handicaps. 


Tassie Paddle Trip
Feb 20th-23rd, 2025 

More Info Here


How to Increase Your Motivation


1. Dopamine is the brain's reward molecule, and maintaining a healthy baseline is crucial for motivation. Repeated high peaks of dopamine (e.g., from drugs or social media) can lead to a drop in baseline dopamine, reducing motivation.

2. Effort-driven rewards (working towards a goal) release dopamine gradually and sustainably, leading to long-term satisfaction and motivation. Quick rewards can deplete dopamine and make future tasks harder. Start aiming to paddle a certain distance or reach a particular average speed. Plan for upcoming ocean events or adventure paddles.

3. Combining pleasurable activities with less desirable tasks (e.g., paddle with a paddle group for more fun or listen to music while exercising) can help release dopamine and increase motivation for completing tasks.

4. Periodically reducing or eliminating sources of excessive dopamine stimulation (e.g., social media, junk food) can reset dopamine levels and enhance motivation for meaningful tasks. Keep your mind clear before going into workouts, don’t be easily distracted.
5. After high dopamine activities (like success or rewards), people often experience a crash. To mitigate this, balancing dopamine through controlled rewards and recovery (like meditation or rest) is key. Enjoy reaching your goal and then start planning towards the next one.
6. Physical activity boosts dopamine and serotonin levels, improving mood and motivation. Even short bouts of exercise, like a 10-minute walk, can significantly enhance focus and drive. The goal is to turn up to the fitness session, whatever you can get done is a bonus.

7. Brief exposure to cold (e.g., cold showers) can increase dopamine levels by up to 250%, providing a lasting boost in mood, energy, and motivation. Our face, palm of our hands and bottoms of our feet is where we experience the cold the most. Between paddle sets splash some water on your face!
8. Supplements like L-tyrosine, Rhodiola rosea, and ginseng support dopamine production. Make sure you stick to the required dosages.
9. Healthy ways to boost dopamine include regular exercise, exposure to sunlight, cold exposure, and setting and achieving small goals. These activities release dopamine without leading to burnout. Your morning paddle session has all of these ingredients in 1 hour 🙌


Our Values 


Corporate Health & Well-being Paddle Days


Enjoy a paddle session with your colleagues out on beautiful Sydney Harbour. We make it super easy for beginners to safely get them on the water and teach the basics of paddling, so as a group we can get out in the Harbour for a great photo with the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House in the backdrop. We finish with some fun paddle games and then your team can enjoy a coffee or lunch afterwards at the cafe.

Simply email Jojo  the day/time you prefer and the cost is $35 per person (max 10 people, per hour). 

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