The plan: Paddle from Rorschach, Switzerland to Lindau, Germany, then continue on to Achsiedlung Bregenz, Austria and then jump on our bikes and ride to Liechtenstein. 4 countries in one day!
Paddling on the " Bodensee" lake was beautiful as we crossed over to Germany. We arrived and touched German land, so as you do, we grabbed a big German beer and cheers "Prost". We continued to Austria and landed there looking for a pub to cheers and say "Prost" again, but we couldn't find one.

We started the bike ride and rode past many pubs, but at this stage we were so dehydrated and exhausted the thought of our cold water bottle was much more appealing.

After many hours we made it to the small country of Liechtenstein and celebrated at the first pub we found. Those German beers taste much nicer when you have travelled 4 countries in one day!
